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KiboE • 1 year ago

FINALLY: Regulusmon (GulusGammamon's Ultimate form), now all that's left is Arcturusmon (the Mega form).

I'm only disappointed they introduced Regulusmon NOW cause there is only two episodes left....aka not much screen time.

Hell, I have doubts/worry if they'll even introduce Proximamon (Siriusmon and Arcturusmon's DNA Digivolution form: Both mega forms of Gammamon combine)

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

1 episode left

KiboE • 1 year ago

Huh? Really? I've read the series would end on the 68th episode and this is 66.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I've seen on live chart and on a few news articles/blogs like on CB + other places it's gonna end with 67 ep in all.

KiboE • 1 year ago

Same here, read various sites (news articles too). They said 68th episode for some reason instead of 67. Well, doesn't change how one (or two) is still too short of a screen time for Regulusmon (or even possibly its Mega form).

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago


Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

It's 67 episodes in total.

Noah • 1 year ago

Maybe the last episode will be an hour long special

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago


KiboE • 1 year ago

Maybe that's why they said 68th episode (67th and 68th are combining to one or something). I did recall a site mentioning something about a special.

Triduo • 1 year ago

Well... Wikipedia IS saying that there's 66 episodes and a special... Then again, I hope they're not making a special due to the recap episodes we got some months ago... Or was it a year already ?

Noah • 1 year ago

2 more after this one or this one and the next one?

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Next one is the last one.

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

Gulus very powerful enough to fight a mega with just his ultimate. Crazy.

Seven • 1 year ago

Maybe they will DNA fuse to defeat zeedmillenniummon that will come back and threat everything that exists...

Gigabarto • 1 year ago

next chapter is called the devourer of all so that confirms that proximamon will appear

brianuuu • 1 year ago

the writers really deserves an award, for the messiest story written ever

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

After 66 episodes, they deserve hell.
We need second season not to have countless filler episodes, but to have actual plot in which we will have answers.

toling54 • 1 year ago

They even had a subliminal sex terms episode lol

KiboE • 1 year ago

Regulusmon (during his fight with BloomLordmon), mentioned creating an "army".

You don't suppose this dark army was all those Black Digimon that have been briefly appearing throughout the series every time Gulusgammamon appeared?

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I'm thinking it is but most likely this will probably get a S2 since a lot of things are left unanswered and these last few eps are rushing everything.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

It really feels like they will be a S2

SaintInfernal Neos • 1 year ago

"I only pretended to be losing and you fell for it right away, LOL!"

Gulus(Now Regulus)mom is really built differnet, there are few villains that can say something like this and actually MEAN IT, damn.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

Considering that they were NEVER able to even hurt him when he was Gulus, did they really thought they would harm him as Regulus?

Frank William • 1 year ago

Oh no, he got Ace'd!!

Xeon • 1 year ago

So you're telling me that Gulus was able to digivolve all this time of his own free will and just chose not to in the past? That shows how much Gulus really wanted to get his hands on the power that Digivice could bestow on a Digimon using human emotions... Though I feel the revelation of this fact lack impact.

With the reveal of Regulusmon, I feel like the show missed an opportunity to show us what a possible "sync" between Gulus and Hiro might have looked like... I know that in this way Hiro is one of the few main characters in the Digimon franchise who evaded letting his negative emotions get the best of him, but the idea of ​​seeing Gulus manipulate the events that are happening and therefore our heroes to make them see how his worldview is correct could have been a really appealing way to let things happen.

Now I wonder... in this battle of wills that is going on inside Gammamon's core I wonder what will happen? Is Siriusmon going to disappear? Or will he be able to recover from that injury? What other secrets could Gulus be hiding? And who could be the being that "saved" all the Digimon from corruption?

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

Gulus wouldn't even need to manipulate anything.
Just have the group face against the digimon who completely outmatched them, and the only shot at winning being "have Hiro synch with Gulus".

Rafflessimon and BloomLordmon were basically that.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

We need second season for all those questions.
They can't solve everything and end everything in one episode.

Dick Nock • 1 year ago

Okay so I have the time now. So let's start (This will be very long, don't tell me I didn't warn you):

1) First of all it's such a huge shame that the show is ending and yet the team still feels like they are noobs, why are the ultimates so weak and so strong at the same time? 3 Ultimates and an adult can't defeat Bloomlordmon and yet 2 Ultimates can defeat Dagomon AND ZeedMilliniummon? What the hell? It's not even about the power level, it's just about the small showtime of ultimates, such very weak performance. But this is the least of the show's problems so let's just go on with it already.

2) Here comes the most awaited and hyped up and (the only) storyline in this show! GulusGammamon! And wow, it's trash. I genuinely can't fathom how fans are okay with this dogshit writing. I have literally so many issues with this I don't even know where to start:

- They turned him from an "anti-hero that's maybe doing all this for a very good reason" to a very cartoonish evil villain with 0 motivation or backstory or really anything behind it, we got the most predictable result ever: "He's doing this because he's the evil side of Gammamon" Jesus after a year of fans waiting for the "mysteries" it turned out that the mysteries weren't mysteries, it was what everybody predicted the moment he made his first appearance in the opening: A speaking dark evolution who only wants to fight and destroy. This was the worst bait ever.

- What the fuck was his evolution? So after (again) months of waiting and theories about how he evolves involving ZeedMilliniummon, Hiro falling in depression, Hakuto dying...etc he fucking evolves just like that, "I don't need help from Aniki" and then boom! REGULUSMON. Then why the hell did he keep whining and begging Hiro to sync with him TWICE!? What about that moment back in episode 21 when Hiro came close to him and he told him that it's not the moment yet, what did that even mean? Did the writers forget it? And what did he mean when he said "you took a step forward?" What the hell does any of this mean? How did his character progress from "Hiro, you have to understand that you have to kill bad digimon in this world and stop being weak!" to "It's not the time yet to get close to me" to "you took a step closer" to "SYNC WITH ME HIRO, JUST SYNC WITH ME" to "Nope, I didn't even need your pathetic energy, I can do it myself"

This is so stupid, I don't usually get mad at shows but this show keeps killing my braincells since episode 13, nothing ever makes sense, the characterization is HORRIFIC! HIRO just witnessed the possible permanent disappearance of Gammamon and all that he does is that face and it didn't feel convincing at all, he lost his partner forever and now his dark side evolves and all that he does is just that? That was so anti-climatic.

Oh and don't even get me started on Canoweissmon's liberation moment, really Gulus didn't think "Hey, why did this guy suddenly want to sync with me after I just murdered his partner? is it possible that it's a trap...Nah, it's definitely genuine, he wants to go back to the human world after all and it's not like we spent 66 episodes showing how he cares about people and digimons" I can't believe this...this is the main villain?

And for a main villain, Regulusmon feels insanely unthreatening. I don't feel like he's menacing enough AT ALL, compared to Quartzmon turning everybody to data, to Apocalymon who destroyed all the crests and trapped the kids in a world of broken data, lucemon who also destroyed the digital world and was unmatched...etc it just doesn't feel right at all, it feels like an asspull from writers when they figured out that there is no main villain. That's what Gulus' current characterization feels like.

And what is the 3 black digimons' role? Also they mentioned that the RGB will explode but how does that happen when Gulus wants to build an army of Digimon, so will they explode or will he build an army? Which one?

And another thing I'm gonna mention is that there is no tension at all. Regulusmon vs the 3 Ultimates completely falls flat because there is no sense of urgency, it feels like a silly battle between kids in their kindergarten and not an important fight that decides the fate of the world and this is because there is no emotional connection to anything. Gulus is just a mad villain with no motivation, and nothing here is personal, GRB isn't reaching the human world only the digital world so I'm not seeing how we are supposed to feel threatened about Regulusmon when he isn't doing anything at all. Compare that to Quartzmon who transformed everything into data and only Takeru is left (I hate Hunters but this part honestly was so tense ngl) to Apocalymon who was about to destroy the human world too, to Lucemon Satan Mode who did the same and kicked the ass of the children's strongest evolution already once, to Yggdrasil who also was about to destroy the 2 worlds, to Leviathan who transformed everything into an app and controlled Yuujin leaving personal baggage on the main protagonist.

Here is just nothing. Just 3 Ultimates struggling against a slightly stronger Gulus, nothing is happening, there is no something personal or emotional of meaning to fight about, it's just plain good vs evil with nothing in between, super bland. It would have been way impactful if this was happening in the human world or maybe if Angoramon and Jellymon got infected leaving no one to defeat Gulus so the gang has to save their partners asap. But nope, nada, na na, nothing of this sort.

I'm gonna say that this is the worst episode so far, everything went downhill and this is just crap and I can't wait for it until it ends.

Oh and I think that "the one" is absolutely Yggdrasil or Homeostasis.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

It looks like they didn't know what to do with Gulus and how to end Ghost Game so they mix everything together and we got this.
I was so sure that Moon Millenniummon will be used as device for Gulus' evolutions. No, I was wrong.
I was so sure that Gulus needs to sync up with Hiro to unlock his evolutions. No, I was wrong.

Gulus, being the main mystery and the main, and, apparently, the only plot, in this episode becomes the main villain. It's not unusual to have digimon for the main villain, but Gulus/Regulus is just... evil. And, that's it.
I hope that those three black digimon aren't forgotten.
And, it would be huge letdown if they ignore and forget "Wicked God" (Moon Millenniummon).

Dick Nock • 1 year ago

Your comment is spot on. Every. Single. Appearance led to the fact that Hiro was going to need Gulus in the future and they are going to sync. "It's not the time yet" "You took a step closer" "It doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time [to sync with me]" MoonMilleniummon's episode and all the weird things happened around it (Hiro's digivice hightlighting, Black Tailmon looking at them afar but doing nothing, the gang saying that they will get through it together)

Everything was absolutely leading to Gulus syncing with Hiro to go to Regulusmon or else all his actions and lines made no sense, and stuff was also leading to Moon doing something huge but here we are...Regulusmon appeared, just like that, and Moon is completely irrelevant it seems.

And also everything was definitely leading to Gulus being an anti-hero kind of thing more than just a full-fledged villain who wants to consume everything for some reason, none of his appearances included mindless and pointless rage and destruction for no reason, they were all hinted at something big related to his "backstory" and here we are, no backstory. Heck, you remember that thing about Hiro needing to grow up and killing Digimon instead of reasoning with them, yeah, what the hell happened with that? Besides Rareraremon who even doesn't fit the message here, Hiro, Ruli and Kiyo never killed any digimon willingly. So...yeah, what's up with that storyline? Forgot it, didn't they?

I genuinely have no idea what to say about this show, I was watching it every week since 2021 and it was absolutely such a very fun delight but now that we are finally talking about the plot and "mysteries" it seems that there were no mysteries and barely any direction let alone a plot. I'm no longer expecting anything for the finale because I'm already seeing how it ends.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

If I remember correctly, in Jyuriemon's episode was Hiro's doubt how to deal with digimon who wouldn't listen and who is menacing and ferocious. They were able to hurt Jyuriemon and he declared that he will come back and he never will (of course).
Archnemon was seriously dangerous and she must be killed, whether Hiro wanted that or not.
Publimon was a quite difficult and he wouldn't listen, but, he committed suicide.
For Rare Raremon's case, we could say that Hiro, Ruli and Kiyoshiro learned that they will have to kill dangerous digimon, but that was overshadowed by "merciful kill" - they killed Rare Raremon to end his misery.
And, also, Sealsdramon and Oboromon were killed, but that was Gulus.
Zeed Millenniummon had to be killed (somehow), because it was one of the most dangerous digimon in existence.
So, no, they just dropped or forgot everything about "we have to learn how to deal with digimon who wouldn't listen, maybe even by killing them".
Gulus is being responsible for GRB infection is okay, but they explained in the worst manner - portion of GRB virus just dropped from Gammamon and that's it.
For final episode, I still have some expectations - Arcturusmon, Proximamon, and maybe even Moon Millenniummon is going to have some important role.
However, Ghost Game could be one of the best seasons, but they just ruined that.
I'm still hopeful for second season, because one episode isn't enough to end everything properly, but I doubt that we will get second season.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

1) I mean. Zeed has basically a big weak spot they could take advantage of. BloomLordmon has none.
Dagomon seemingly was consumed by the GRB Virus and they only needed to stall.

Dick Nock • 1 year ago

But that's still not enough to explain how they defeated him so fast. Even before they discovered there was a weak point, go rewatch the episode and you will see that they say that the attacks are working. Really, Siruismon and Dilbitmon's attacks hurt ZeedMillieniummon? How does that make any sense?

And you are saying it yourself, Dagomon was infected with GRB that means he became much stronger than before and yet only Siruismon was needed to defeat him.

And okay let's forget about Dagomon and Zeed, how do you explain Quartzmon? You can say that he surrendered but the truth was still that they were definitely hurting him and about to destroy him if he didn't give up.

This show did a great job in the beginning about respecting each digimon's powers and giving each evolution the time needed for their spotlight, but they completely dropped the ball right after Canoweissmon appeared. After that, stuff started making less and less sense by the minute and their perfect evolutions were never used enough especially Lamortmon.

churchblue • 1 year ago

MoonMilleninummon plays an important role in the last episode. Keep in mind that Hiro STILL has it.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

he has it with him?
i thought he left him at the dorm

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

He become a Hollow... lol

Our true Final Villains Regulusmon

NightDevil00 • 1 year ago

So Gulus was secretly excreting his GRB Factor into the Digital World through Gammamon which does not explain Gammamon's past that Pixiemon had seen or rather Gulus's intentions seem more in line with something that would be more fitting of a Dark History of the Digital World scenario.

During the hiatus I had basically took the episodes I have written called Ghost Game Alternate Universe and placed them into Fanfiction net. Let's just say in my episodes I am setting up a what if your typical monster of the week episode goes wrong way sooner where Hiro "falls to the dark side" and willingly syncs with Gulus who appears after a series of events that lead to Gammamon having a demonic personality change.

Seven • 1 year ago

Im just waiting for Moonmillenniummon to jump out of Hiro's pocket, digivolve to Zeedmillenniummon and say "roses are red, violets are blue, Im back and theres no more universe for you!!! TIME DESTROYER!!!"

Maka Evans • 1 year ago

Thanks for a good laugh!

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

That would be decent end for Ghost Game. xD

Kranesh • 1 year ago

That will be a fitting end for the tragedy known as Digimon Ghost Game.

ClearSky • 1 year ago

I've been waiting for this. Finally

Triduo • 1 year ago

I've been having withdrawal symptoms from a lack of Digimon !
They better have made this wait worth it or I'll cry and lose my trust in them ! è__é

Paradoxe : Your hopes are too high. -__-

Maka Evans • 1 year ago

I had withdrawal symptoms from many series that were on hiatus

Ascalibur • 1 year ago

Absolutely love the respect this episode gave Bloomlordmon. He was keeping up and even pushing Regulusmon, he also negged diffed the trio as well. Glad they gave my 5th favorite digimon some love.

Vincent • 1 year ago

Wow, they create a way to insert MoonMilleniummon into Siriusmon in the most savage way!

MRpaisan • 1 year ago

Damn intense episode.

Eternal Gundam • 1 year ago

So you're telling me that next week's gonna be the end of it all? Are you actually serious?! We finally have plot after so long and all we got were these last few episodes that escalated way too fast. Thanks a lot, Ghost Game. You wasted a potentially good arc and ruined the show's ending for me.